My weekly newsletter is my way of keeping in touch with you and letting you know what's going on here. It will land in your inbox just once a week, usually on Friday, with newly published recipes and suggestions for holiday or seasonal recipes you might find useful. Join our group!

I will never share your email address and you are welcome to unsubscribe at any time. 😊
IMPORTANT! Once you sign up, you will receive an email asking you to confirm your subscription. Click the link in the email to confirm, or you won't receive the newsletter! If you don't see the email: 1) Check your spam folder, and make sure you mark the email as "NOT JUNK," otherwise the newsletter might also end up in your spam. If it's not in your spam folder, then 2) Try subscribing again, double-checking to make sure you have entered your email address correctly. And if you STILL don't see it, contact me.